It’s September which means it’s basically fall, am I right? I was thinking to myself the other day that I needed to take advantage of fall this year. Last year I didn’t go to a single haunted house, go pumpkin picking, or do any fun fall stuff. For this reason, I decided to make a fall bucket list and share it with you all! Sometimes we get too caught up in life and forget to enjoy the season we are in! Take time out of your busy schedule to enjoy this fall, we all need something fun to do after the year we’ve had. Take some of my ideas, take them all, or completely make your own up. Make a fall bucket-list so you make sure to do everything you want to do this season!
Number 1: Go to a pumpkin patch, pick your pumpkins, then go home and carve them! This is such a fun fall tradition that sometimes gets forgotten.
Number 2: Go to a haunted house, I am actually not the one to go to haunted houses but I always regret it when fall is over and I didn’t go to one. So this is one is big on my list!
Number 3: Do a corn maze, I did one of these last year and thought it was so fun. The one I did was pretty hard but I ended up getting out of it. It took a little longer than it was supposed to but I still made it out!
Number 4: Have a bonfire, eat s’mores, and tell scary stories! This one sounds so much fun. It would be awesome if you got a bunch of friends or family together for this one!
Number 5: Make caramel apples, I love doing this one! This is a tradition my family has, we make a bunch of caramel apples and put our own toppings on them!
Number 6: Take a fall trip, this can be just a weekend getaway or a camping trip, anything really! I usually love going to Gatlinburg in the fall time, I’m not sure if I’m going to make it there this year but I love seeing all the leaves changing colors.
Number 7: Watch Hocus Pocus, make the sugar cookies with the pumpkin on them (you know which ones I’m talking about) and snuggle up.
Number 8: Enjoy the season! Take time to relax and don’t let time pass you by.
Thanks for reading! Let me know in the comments what’s on your fall bucket list!
xo, Juju