Hello February, it’s official, January is over and it’s time to look back at the month and look forward to a new one. How did January treat you, was it a test run or did you go full force into your resolutions? Did you start January off strong and lose your resolutions somewhere in the middle? Are you the one that stayed strong and still going strong going into February? Whoever you are, and however January went and February is going, let me be the first to tell you, you are doing great! Even if you went off the bandwagon and need help getting back on, you are doing great just trying. Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned or you don’t always meet your goals but we have to get back up and try again. That’s what we are discussing today, now let’s put those goals to use, and make 2021 our year.
How you may ask? How do we make 2021 our year, the best year yet? We make it by putting ourselves first, loving ourselves, and grabbing our goals, and going for them. Doesn’t matter how January went, it’s time to go for your goals to succeed. We start with looking back at January and writing down the goals we had at the beginning of the year, then now at the beginning of February write down what you could’ve done better throughout the month and what you can do this month to succeed. Take those and apply it, see where and why you might’ve slipped off the way. If your goals are still going well, see where there could be an improvement. When writing these down and seeing them on pen and paper it becomes more of a reality and easier to achieve.
The second way to take on February and keeping those resolutions strong is by making smaller goals, this will make the bigger goal seem obtainable. What a lot of people do that makes them give up easily is when you set your goals, it’s normally a big one. It’s hard to look at that big goal and not seeing how you are going to get there. So when you make your big goal, make small goals each month to check off so you know you are on your right track.
Resolutions or goals can be scary but when you break them down and make them into tinier goals it seems to be less of a scare. Also by taking the time to reflect on how the month went at each end of the month it will help you be able to achieve better success in the next month. Try to do this every month, set smaller goals, and then reflect at the end of the month. In no time you will be achieving your big goals and dreams!