What to-do while being quarantine?

Right now my husband and I are in Ohio and the governor of Ohio has decided to put the state on a “stay at home order.” This means that only the necessary places are open and the people working those necessary jobs are allowed to be out. Everyone else is supposed to be at home to be quarantined. The question is.. what do you do now??
Let’s think about quarantined as a positive not a negative. Yes, you might be a little bored and unsure what to do but that’s why I’m writing this; to inform you of everything you can do to make this time more positive. Think back and remember when you were so exhausted from your job, school, and everyday life. You were wishing for one day off or time to do something. Well bud, God gave it to you, now take full advantage of it! The possibilities during this time off are endless but here are some great options…
Netflix, Netflix is something we tend to lean on when we need to chill. Netflix is a great option during this time. There are tons of tv shows and movies to pick through. Here are some of my favorite tv shows that you can check out.. Riverdale, YOU, Gossip Girl, Jane the Virgin, Glee, and 13 reasons why. There are a ton of movies and tv shows that will keep you very busy during this time!
Board games, board games are my favorite and a good family activity. Get the classics like Monopoly or Clue! Those two are my favorite but there’s so many to choose from. There’s also a lot of card games that are super fun for a family to play as well.
Read a book, relax and unwind by reading a nice book and escaping from the world in it. I don’t read much but my husband recommends: Where the Crawdads Sing, Anything by Jimmy Buffett (Take a mental vacation), and Great Gatsby.
Deep clean and organize, spring cleaning baby!! Get everything out reorganize and get rid of those items you never wear. Get some room in your closet for some spring and summer shopping.
Learn a new talent, ever wanted to learn a new language or a talent but never had time? Well get to it, explore, research, and learn something new.
Relax, just take this time to sleep in and rest. Sometimes life gets too crazy and we don’t get time to rest our bodies.
Paint, I love painting. I might not be the best artist but I think painting is very relaxing.
Something New, do something you have always wanted to do but never had the time to do.
Lastly take this time to be with your family, lean on your family during this time and re-meet them. “re-meet” them say what? Yes, I know that sounds weird but life gets so crazy that sometimes we forget to be with each other and spend time. We lose track of each other and get in a schedule of not paying attention. Take this time to be with your kids, parents, spouse, whoever is in your house.
Talking about your spouse, re-spark that love interest! We get so crazy in life that we forget to love your spouse and give them that affection you use to have. Date your spouse, you do not have to go out to dinner to go out on a date. Make dinner together, or order take out. Watch a movie and snuggle up with a glass of wine and have real conversations. This time off from the outside world is time to take a break from the craziness, schedules and get back to what’s important.
The most important thing we can do during this time is PRAY! God has taken the distraction away from you so you can get back to him. Take the time to talk to God, read the scriptures, and praise him. The world is going crazy one minute at a time, I truly believe it’s because the Lord-God wants us to get back to him. We tend to get caught up in other things in life not because we mean to but because we just do. That’s why this time is so precious, we can change our lives.